I created a map and uploaded it and received the island code - but the map is no longer showing under my projects - How can i retrieve the project using the island code?

I created a map and uploaded it and received the island code - but the map is no longer showing under my projects - How can i retrieve the project using the island code?

Unfortunately you cannot retrieve the project using the island code. Check-in-Changes is the backup system, you can only retrieve the snapshots created by Check-in-Changes.

Do know of anything that might have happened ?

Is it archived ?
Has it been moved to a different Team ?

One-Drive is incompatible with UEFN and fortnite projects should not have One-Drive backup on them (probably not the reason for a totally missing map, but worth mentioning everywhere…over and over)

Have a look in My Documents/Fortnite Projects and see if the map folder is still in there.
Is your hard drive OK ?

Thank you for the feedback…

The project was done on 2x devices - the PC and the laptop - PC was reloaded a day after upload

I not showing in the archive option nor in the document folder

I was the only one working on the project - not allocated to a team

Ive checked ONE DRIVE - on both devices and it does not show

This is baffling since all the order project are there except that one…

Yes that is very strange,

Is your map showing up in projects on the creator portal ?
Check in on the public and private versions there and see if there are any warnings or errors ?

If you have published the island from UEFN, go to the CREATOR PORTAL

Then to Projects, click on the project and from the top menu return it to FNC

Make sure that UEFN is closed when doing the mentioned steps.

After that, log in to UEFN and you will find that a file for the island has been created for you.

If you do not see it, publish the island code from FORTNITE CREATIVE and return to UEFN.

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