I create new character class in c++ in visual studio for the first time, i don't touch it and i have a lot of error before touch it, help me please.


I want learn ue5 c++ and i open character c++ for starting, at the first im see a bunch of error help me to fix it please.

Hello, @Wapiti-Blue those are errors from IntelliSense. The code itself works. In the error list you have drop down menu that says Build + IntelliSense switch it to Build only and restart visual studio. If errors still show up ignore them but if it doesn’t let you build the project delete the .sln file and generate a new one.

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Also in the right it says that you need to install some things to visual studio in the yellow background. Install them so everything works correctly. And you are missing β€œ;” at line 18

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It will work, thank for your, i mean it help somes people.

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