I compiled with “Development Client” and IsRunningClientOnly()==FALSE…
IsRunningGame() == TRUE, as supposed to be, when i compile with “Development” or “Development Editor”.
Explain pls?
I compiled with “Development Client” and IsRunningClientOnly()==FALSE…
IsRunningGame() == TRUE, as supposed to be, when i compile with “Development” or “Development Editor”.
Explain pls?
Why MyProject doesnt have Development_Client and Development_Server? And why UE4 project has it?
Ok i found the following:
Solution has Client and Server builds, but technically only UE4 project has this build modes, user project only has Editor and Game builds.
I checked IsRunningClientOnly inside user project, thats why it didnt work properly. I think if i use GetWorld()->GetNetMode() == NM_Client this could work, but i cant check it right now…