I closed the world outliner, how do I reopen it?

How do I re-open the world outliner?


Hello EnderSwarm,

You can open any panel that you have closed using the Window tab at the top left of the editor window. You should see the World Outliner listed about half way down the menu.

Have a nice day!


I closed my world outliner and I don’t have any of the options on the to left of my editor window.
How do I get the options back?
I am on version 4.25.

and how to i bring back the details tab

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I have a similar problem but when I navigate to the window menu it says world outliner is already active and it’s not possible to turn off either. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

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I am not able to open it either, did you find a solution to this problem. If you please let me know

Hi all + @anonymous_user_cd43826b ,

Just to add some clarity to this - It should be as easy as ‘Window → Outliner’

If that doesn’t work try resetting the UI with ‘Window → Load Layout → Default Editor Layout’



Did u find a solution?

Hi Kein, Welcome to the Forums.

My response got 4 likes - It’s really ‘doing numbers’ :chart_with_upwards_trend: :grinning:

So I’d be surprised if that is not also the solution for you.