I can't view Parent Socket

I want to set my characters animation.I came to last part but there is a problem.I can’t view and select parent socket.

We tried this but not working.

Thanks for help.

put your camera inside the mesh (click and drag your camera over the mesh :face_in_clouds:

Hi sir,

Sorry for bothering you but it doesn’t work.I don’t quite understand what you mean. I put the camera inside Mesh.If you mean something else, could you explain in more detail?

Thank you.

u have this

camera and mesh are in the same level

u need to have this

and select the camera and press the magnifying glass icon next to parent socket

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I don’t think you understand what he’s saying he’s saying that when he goes to add the socket it won’t pop up at all……

The parent socket does not pop up if the component hierarchy is incorrect, so the camera has to be a child of the mesh. In this case, it does not appear because the camera and the mesh are at the same hierarchical level.

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When I do this and start my vr project, the world is 90 degrees off. adjusting the rotation doesn’t work. what am i missing?