Which version of the engine are you using? If it’s 4.16, only Xcode 8.3 is supported.
I downloaded Xcode9 bata4.
But, UE4 insists"Xcode installed on this Mac is too old to be used for Metal shader compilation. Falling back to runtime compiled text shaders, which are slower. Please update to latest version of Xcode for best performance."
what should I do?
I think Xcode 9 beta 4 is the latest version.
I’m using 4,17 preview 3.
Thank you
We don’t typically officially support Beta versions of Xcode, macOS or iOS as they are understandably moving targets and that means problems like this. I’d stick to Xcode 8.3.3 for now until we get closer to the final release of Xcode 9 - not sure which UE4 version exactly will be Xcode 9 compatible just yet.
Hi marksatt-pitbull, what’s your recommendation for building with ARKit (since it requires Xcode 9) right now? Just go with the forward renderer?
I’m having the same problem except its with UE 14.7.1 and XCode beta 9.5. Does this mean we can not build with ARKit since it only works with XCode beta 9?
See this:
@botman99 - I followed the instructions word for word. still getting the same error. “Xcode installed on this Mac cannot be used for Metal shader compilation. Falling back to runtime compiled text shaders, which are slower. Please install Xcode 8.3.x for best performance”
SAME PROBLEM ALSO FOR ME. I tried with Xcode Beta 4,5 and 6 with UE 4.17.1 and still getting the error: “Xcode installed on this Mac cannot be used for Metal shader compilation. Falling back to runtime compiled text shaders, which are slower. Please install Xcode 8.3.x for best performance”
Anybody knows the reason? Thanks in advance
Idk if it worked or not as I’m new user of unreal engine but all I did is changing the name of Xcode-beta to Xcode and simply it works but I didn’t write any code yet so idk.