I can't use Delay within Fuctions. Now what?

Good evening ladies and gents.

I’m making a Space Shooter for a University assignment, I’m fairly new to Unreal.
I put a lot of work into planning the Design and Systems of this shooter prior to starting development as part of the University Course.

My initial Design was to have a GameController Actor that handles most systems in the game, like Score, Death, Spawning Enemies and the sort. The problem I’ve encountered is within the Spawning Enemies Section.
Initially I wanted to have a SpawnEnemy function within the GameController that will take as input arrays of Enemies, a float as a delay between spawning the enemies and a spline (which I use for movement) to assign to each enemy on Spawn.

This is what it looks like atm.


The idea is that I have multiple Enemy Types, like Enemy A, Enemy B, Enemy C.
I create an Enemy Group, like [ACBA] and
I assign the groups during the Construction Script of the GameController as well as a delay, and the game controller will handle spawning each group automatically.

Problem is, that as I found out, I can’t use the Delay node inside a function, so this really puts a wrench in my plans, since I need to space (hah, get it?) out the spawning of the enemies.

How would you guys go about fixing this? Is there some sort of workaround? I was pretty happy with the previous design, but It doesn’t seem like it’s gonna work out. So I would really like some advice from some more experienced Unreal users.

Thanks alot for taking the time to read, any help is greatly appreciated!

Use the following links to create timer and then run your function using that timer