I cant solve a bug involving a AI killing the player inside a locker

I watched this tutorial here: AI Searches Through Locker And Catches Player - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube

The problem Im having with this is that if the AI go to a locker that is not in the direction of the AI face, and if the player is inside it, the AI does not make the right turn, and keeps looking to the side without doing anything, instead of opening it to see if there is something inside, and then killing the player.

My BP are the exact same as the one in this video.

Hey EnjGames!

It seems like the AnimMontage is having an issue being called. Can you provide us some screenshots of the code for your LockerAI and of the AnimBP for the AI Enemy? That way we can look at all the logic at once and see what’s going on, hopefully enough to get this cracked.

Looking forward to getting this solved for you, get back to us so you can move on through your tutorial and get that stealth game moving!