I can't see static meshes in play mode

First image is my map.

And when I pressed the play button, in second,
I can’t see anythings, actually static meshes.

In level panel, the eye with the PN_Stage01_SM level is closed.

I’m very beginner in UE. Please help me to understand the reason of this.

The meshes probably have physics enabled and no collision so they are falling through the floor. hit the arrow next to the play button, then click ‘simulate’. if it is falling through the world, you’ll see it happen.

Thank you for answering my question!!
But I couldn’t see anything right after clicking the simulate button…
I think, not exactly, it can’t be seen, literally.

Your sublevel is set to blueprint load only. You need to set it to be always loaded or add a means of calling the stream level function.