İ can’t see my project after i packaged it. Therei is a file named Android. There is nothing inside of it. İ can’t see my obb and apk files.
I have same problem too. I couldn’t figure it out too . Please help too…
try Check binary directory of your project.
Do you get any Errors in the Output Log?
When I’m packaging my project, I set a Staging Directory in “Project Settings” > “Packaging” and set a folder. If my project successufully builds, I can find all files in this directory and find something like: Automation.Execute: BUILD SUCCESSFUL near the end of my Output Log in UE4 Editor.
Take a look here under “Advanced Settings”
I think it is not an issue. if you do not correctly set the saving directory, the final package will automation be saved into binary/Android directory.
Just look your final pack at that directory. have a great day.