I can't save my level "Main Menu" state !

Hello everyone:)
I have a question and I can’t find any answers on the Internet. I will describe my game and how it works.
I have many levels of which a very important one that we could call “Main Menu” in this level the character can move, he can collect coins and open doors with these coins to access the other levels by triggerboxs.
The end of the other levels move us back to the “main menu” level by triggerbox as well.
However when I return to the main level I lose all my coins and the open doors are closed again, as at the first launch of the game.
I would like the progress of this level “Main Menu” to be saved, when I turn the game off and on the level “main menu” the doors always remain open and keep my coins from one level to another and also restart the game.
I came across the notions of GameInstance and SaveGame but I don’t know if I can apply them in this specific case.
Thank you for your help and answers.
For more details please contact me;)

Save game is what you need :slight_smile:

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