I can't replace using the Merge Actors

When I use Merge Actors, I can’t replace it with another object. Everything seems fine until the “Do you want to replace” warning, but after that, if I select a file named SM_Wall, my merged file is renamed to SM_SM_Wall. How can I fix this?

Thank you.

Came across this post, and sadly no replies or reports? It is still happening in 5.5.1

Like the OP said, when you merge actors, it doesn’t overwrite the file, it creates a new file. And it will keep doing that over and over, until you have SM_SM_SM_SM_File, etc.

Additionally, it leaves the old one in the folder invisible (you can see it in windows), even if you delete it in UE, and then you can’t rename the new file until you quit → delete file in windows → relaunch.

Merging meshes would be an ideal situation for part of my workflow, and this problem is making the process quite painful when I need to regenerate the mesh.

The reason I started using Actors->Merge, is because it was the only method that seemed to merge everything correctly. If someone knows a better process, I’m all ears. Basically I’m trying to merge ‘packed level actors’ into static meshes. The level instances themselves just aren’t capable of having the same impact/flexibility/performance as using 1 single mesh reference does. I use PLA’s because its much easier to build objects in there… but using the file itself has drawbacks… so it’s basically my “raw sandbox” version of the object, and the static mesh is the “baked and final” thing used.
