I can't reparent my actor

Hello, for the past few days I have several files that seem semi-corrupted. When I try to open them I get this warning:

Blueprint could not be loaded because it derives from an invalid class. Check to make sure the parent class for this blueprint hasn't been removed! Do you want to continue (it can crash the editor)? If I click continue, the BP opens with no parent class. The problem is that when I try to make any modifications to the BP, the software crashes. Even when I disable context sensitive, no node is offered. I know I switched the project from UE4 to UE5, although just after the switch there were no issues. By the way, I have several classes that got corrupted, for example here it is a BP but I have already had the same situation with a widget that I managed to fix by finding an Autosave. Unfortunately here, even if I try to revert to an older version, I still get the same error. (I don’t have “manual C++” in the project)

When I try to reparent the blueprint, I have several classes offered but not “actor.” I would have liked to provide more details, but honestly, even I don’t know where it could be coming from.

Thank you in advance for your help, I would be very grateful.

Hey there @Kaki1403! Welcome back to the community! I would normally recommend in cases like this to rollback to a backup to see if you can save the original parent. However if this isn’t possible, this thread has a handful of solutions:

UPDATE: I finally success by the “reparent blueprint” node with the UE5 editor utility blueprint

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