I can't place the Player on landscape anymore

In the beginning, everything worked,i walked on the imported heightmap, then after i edited or deleted things,something happened and the player appears above the landscape, even though the spawn point is on the ground.(no collosion no other things,good position…)

Then I somehow deleted all the character settings and imported a starter set

I managed to put he on the ground there, but he didn’t move, I imported everything what needed

Then I restarted the whole project and the problem is present in the new project, the character can only move in the starting box

As soon as I get out of it
and I fall towards the landscape, at one point he stops and cannot move.

It’s as if an invisible shell surrounds the landscape

But there is no such any other object, the sky sphere is much bigger and I already deleted everything, only left the landscape and the starter box

but nothing helps.

At the very beginning, everything worked, I walked around the landscape, then something happened, and the new project doesn’t help either
Here is the video file,i falling down from the box then frozen…
I jump out several times in the video
Thanks all

I think it’s probably


thanks your answer but not,my parameter is same
how to i can check and refresh the engine without full reinstall?

It should be much lower, like -50000.

It’s just an editor change for the level, nothing to do with the engine.

Thanks works :slight_smile: i dont know how to happened,maybe because of the scale of the landscape in y direction…

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Scale in Z, and Z placement.