I can't place my new structure in-game (only in UE)


As the title says, I’m stuck with a weird problem. I’ve confirmed the 4 or so steps in order to place an object and those don’t seem to be the issue here. I can place the object and interact with it etc when testing in unreal engine.

However, when I test my mod in singleplayer ARK, the item won’t even equip. It’’ go into my hotbar and I can see the “Item needs to be on a foundation” text compe up for a split-second when I try to equip the structure, but then it disappears.

Anybody else running into this issue or have any ideas? I am consuming the item and it is reference in the PrimalGameData, all of those steps are good and working in UE.

Thanks for any help!

Update: this is only happening to the items I spawn in via admin commands, not when crafted via an engram.