I can't packing anymore from Mac for Mobile


I’m still here with different problem but this is the big one.

I had a ArchViz in UE4.27 that worked on Mac and IOS but I didn’t test it on Android.

The project has three maps: menu, day and night version connected to each other by a button.

I updated UE to 5: Mac version still working but IOS and Android had a problem, I can opened app, see the principal menu but it crashed when I pressed button to go to the day version.

I updated UE to 5.1: Mac version works but the problem of mobile version remains: the app crashes before opening it. I made some changes to the settings for Android for now, I managed to get the app to open but it seems that the successful build is fake because in fact it can’t find anything in the game.

I have the “CDO constructor error” and “The map could not be found”. I create a new empty projects with third person template, clean without my files but the problem still here so: is it a bug?

I hope that does anyone know the solution or can assist me to report the bug.

Thank you!

The big problem is that I don’t have a copy of my old 4.27 project version… :smiling_face_with_tear:

Okay, I installed UE 5.1 on my BootCamp partition ( yes I’ve Windows, I know, my fault) and the Android app works.

I hope that developers fix this problem for Mac system as soon as possible with an upadate: finger cross (I don’t wan’t work on Windows system XD)


The answer was don’t close the pop up window that appeared during cooking because it’s different from the log one. So I was able packing IOS from my Mac which was necessary for this version, I couldn’t have solved with Windows. It’s probable it will work for Android too, I’ll try it. It’s a solution due to my distraction, I don’t think anyone will have the same problem as me but I wanted to update the question.


Android packing still doesn’t work on Mac but for now it’s okay for me because I can use Windows but it should also work on Mac.


I managed to get it to work also for Android, the solution (for me) was select ASTC insted ETC2: I don’t know why. Now, I can use Mac for every platform :grinning: