I can’t see my character when I press Play. I tried to replace the third person mannequin. Any body who can skype me and help me along the way? Or leave a post here, I’ll post more if this is not specific or detailed enough, so just ask.
You need to set your character blueprint as the default pawn in your game mode. In order to change the default pawn you need to create your own GameMode.
Create a new blueprint that derives from GameMode. Name it and double click it to open the properties window. At the bottom you will see a section named Classes, and the first option there is Default Pawn Class. Change that to your character blueprint class.
Save the blueprint, then go back to the main window. On the bar at the top click on Settings > World Settings. This will be the first option. Clicking this will open the World Settings panel (it opens next to the details panel). Go to the Game Mode section and the first option there will be GameMode. Change that to your new GameMode blueprint and save.
You can also change your other settings in this window.
How do I create my own Game Mode? I already have two levels in third person.
How do I create the blueprint that derives from Game Mode?
Basically I can’t move at all.
They are supposed to use MY character, and I tried to edit for that, so now it doesn’t even use third person mannequin and doesn’t work.
Right-click a folder in your content browser and select Blueprint Class. A popup window will appear. Type in GameMode and double-click on GameMode.
You said you already have two third person levels. Are they working and using the same character?
Your image indicates that your pawn was successfully spawned and possessed (though in first person - you need to make sure your character has a SpringArm component with a camera attached to it in order to make it third person).
In regards to you having problems moving, did you properly bind your inputs in your PlayerController class? More information can be found in the documentation.
The level spawns the character you specified in the GameMode (I assume it is called Tetsumi according to the initial screenshot).
This character blueprint needs to have a spring arm and a camera in order for it to be third person. The link I provided below goes over how to add that. It goes over how to create a character (which you have already done), how to set up your game mode to use that character, and how to bind your inputs in order to let the player move.
How do I access my character again?
What is the mannequin? The blueprint? Sorry, I am new to this
The spring-arm and camera must be in your ACharacter-extended class (which would be your mannequin). The game mode does not require any components.
Looks like you are on the right track. Everything you have there looks correct. You now just need to make sure the Default Pawn Class you selected in your GameMode is set to ThirdPersonCharacter.
I looked at the guide and changed a few things. Now my character is showing! However, it is stuck in T pose when it moves. What should I do?
Great! To get your animation working you need to set the anim blueprint to use.
- Open up your character blueprint.
- In the components window (top left) click on your MeshComponent (it should be a SkeletalMeshComponent).
- In the details panel you will see a category called “Animation”.
- For the Animation Mode choose which one corresponds to how you did your animations. If you have an entire animation blueprint keep it selected on “Use Animation Blueprint”.
- If you have selected “Use Animation Blueprint” you will see a dropdown under it labeled “Anim Class”. Select the animation blueprint you want to use (it will likely be the only one selectable if you are just starting out).
- Compile the blueprint.
Unfortunately working with animations is outside of my area of expertise.