I run into a strange issue. Here I have a bunch of trees:
Do you see this space between the ground and the tree number 2? I had absolutely the same with the tree number 1. And I fixed it. I just turned on the foliage mode then turned on the selection mode, moved down the tree and that was it. It worked perfectly for the tree number 1. But it does not work for the tree number 2! More over, there are a lot of trees like the tree number two for whom the moving mode does not have any effect. I also see the histogram of moving in the middle of nowhere. What the hell? What is wrong? I appreciate any help!
It could be that you need to move the pivot point up slightly inside the tree model.
If you don’t have ‘align to normal’ ticked, which I can see you don’t, they will look like this if the pivot is at the bottom of the model.
Then, this probably won’t arise. But to answer your specific problem, you might find that even though you’re trying to move tree X, tree Y is actually moving. Try zooming out.
If that’s the case, disable nanite on the tree, and try again…
Hey there @AlekseiShcherbak! Welcome to the community! This often happens with nanite foliage in some instances as Clockwork noted, are they the same type of tree as well?
Hello! Thanks for replying. After some investigation, I found more strange details. When I move one tree and do not see any effect, the effect of movement happens with another one random tree! I mean, I did not even select another one tree and did not have any intentions to move it! I wanted to move a particular tree, but another one random tree was moved.
I just decided to remake all trees on the level.
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This is what I’m saying 
I think it goes away if you stop using nanite on the trees…
But I want nanite! ))
I do not like LOD))
I just will try to set up all the trees again and keep my fingers crossed hooping that bug will not to appear again)
You only need to turn it off while you manage the trees, then back on 
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I seee! Ok. And I just reviled that if I use single mode, there is no problem. But when I use the brush and paint with bunches of trees, the mess begins.
Turned off nanite, and it seems the problem is gone. Thanks! I will experiment around a bit more to be sure.
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