Hi, I’m coming to this show because I still haven’t solved my AI problem. Context: I’m making an underwater video game in a 3D world BUT the game is made so that my fishes move only on the X and Z axis. No problem for the player controller 0 since I was able to put it in flying and block it on X and Z. But for my predators, it’s more complicated.
I would like my AI to do a path finding and move in a Volume and not on a “plane” → NavMeshBoundsVolume problem. My AI can only move on X and Y even when changing its movement modes, etc… The “Move To” task in the Behavior Tree works like AI Move To and needs ReachablePoint to move to the arrival point.
Currently my AI is only chasing me underwater on the X axis. However, I noticed that when my fish goes up AI (in flying mode) only manages to go up on Z by 200 UE units (approximately) and then gets stuck (losing the chase).
I haven’t figured out how to remove this high limit for the NavMeshNBoundsVolume recast or even found a way to get my AI to move on Z automatically from a Behavior Tree.
If anyone knows how to solve this problem I’d love to hear from you! Or even if you have a clue, feel free to reply here.