I can't make any new levels without it redirecting to the main menu

So when I make a new level, then package it, the level works fine in the editor, but when i run the packaged version, it just redirects to the main menu?

Can someone help?

Well, you will keed to specify that you want your new level to be the default map for your game in the maps and modes tab of your Project Settings. However, wouldn’t you actually want to load the level from your Main Menu widget?

Hey there @AlienzFun! So as @anonymous_user_a002689d was saying, when you load the game the main menu is likely set as the default map here in your project settings. You can change this and it will then load the selected level first. It’s fine to change the default frequently during development to be able to quickly hop in and test the level directly.

However in most cases for the final you’d prefer to load your main menu first, then move over to whatever level is decided there using Open Level (for singleplayer games).

Hope this helps!