I Can't launch fortnite (grey launch button)

since the last update (29 or 30 march) I can’t launch fortnite from my account anymore, the ‘Launch Button’ is grey and i can’t execute it. The description is “Fortnite is actually unvailable to play” can you help me ? :confused: It’s only from my personal account (I never cheat, glitch or something like that ^^') I try to uninstall and install the game from another account, but there was no change…
I contacted the French and English support by mail but I have no answer (it’s been almost 4 days …)


For Fortnite issues, please visit http://fortnitehelp.epicgames.com/

There you will find various troubleshooting articles as well as an Email Us button that you can use to get in touch with one of our support staff who can assist you further with this.
