I can't install Unreal Engine 4, what I need to do?

I have finally installed Epic Games laucher and clicked on “install engine” (I wanted to install 4.10.2 ver. of the engine), but when I trying to install the engine, a sign appears: “Install Failed” “Could not download installation information. Please try again later. Code: 5”. I have a computer Mac os x El Capitan, but I think that your engine will be work better on Windows. Do you remember greatminds19352? When I had older version of Mac os x, I had similar problem as he had. Now I have El Capitan, and things started sooooooooo much worse. Now I can’t ever prepare UE4 to installing. Please, help me!. :frowning: (or I can just relax and try installing again later?)

You could reinstall the launcher, or you could install 4.9.2 which should be the version I am using.

Hello, 1999! I reinstalled the laucher… and problem isn’t quit!
Maybe you should know some things about my computer:

  1. I have MAC OS X EL CAPITAN (ver. 10.11.2) 32 bit (32 bit is a guess from soft.mydiv.net )
  2. My comp is a portative block “mac mini” (end of 2009).

And I have tryed to install 4.9.2 engine, but error doesn’t let me install it.

Maybe I should talk to Epic Games staff (TJ Ballard, [EPIC]Swifty or someone else) to solve this problem?

Try asking Tim Hobson on the forum. Try checking your antivirus system, it could be blocking it. I use Kaspersky.


Thank you for reaching out to the Epic support team. We have recently restructured our support system to better assist our users across Epic’s growing catalog of products.

Epic Games launcher support will now be handled by our Player Support team through an email ticketing system and active knowledge base. This support will encompass the download and installation of the launcher and the various Epic Games products hosted on the launcher (UE, UT, Shadow Complex, Fortnite, and Paragon). The launcher support team will also handle connection issues related to these products. The launcher support site can be accessed here (http://help.epicgames.com/).

Traditionally, Unreal Engine support has been handled through AnswerHub, and this particular process will not change. Users of the Unreal Engine may continue to post questions and issues as normal and interact with the engine support team. Any questions or issues that arise prior to the successful installation of the Unreal Engine should be directed at the website above and the launcher support team.

Those seeking assistance with the other individual products may do so through the following pages:

Unreal Tournament - http://help.unrealtournament.com/

Shadow Complex - http://shadowcomplexhelp.epicgames.com/

Fortnite - Coming soon

Paragon - http://paragonhelp.epicgames.com/