I can't Install Unreal Engine 4 on macOS 11 Big Sur

I’ve been trying for days now to install Unreal 4 but cannot get the install to go any further than “34% - Compiling Shaders (2,558)…” at which point the installation sits for a while then stops. I’ve already updated Mac OS to latest version, installed Xcode, ran it, then registered for an account, then opened up Terminal, and put in all the various Xcode fixes kindly suggested by people on this forum but to no avail. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled, also downloaded Xcode developer tools. Watched and tried every YouTube how to install Xcode and Unreal 4 video, I now can’t even find any more possible ways to possibly try to fix the installation problem, any and all suggestions would be very greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance Ray

It sounds like you’re installing on a mac, so where is the Windows 11 coming from?

I don’t think you need Xcode until it comes to rendering.

Have you successfully installed the engine anywhere before, because it can take a loooooong time to compile the shaders on some machines…

Apologies Opp system is macOS 11 (not Windows 11, my bad, long day, D’Oh).

This is the first time I have tried to install unreal. Fails every time to install when I get to “34% - Compiling Shaders (2,558)…” the install at the time just stops. I have tried leaving the Mac for over two hours but installation doesn’t continue it simply has frustratingly failed again.

Many thanks for your reply to my request for help though, Clockwork Ocean

Hey :slight_smile:

What’s your video card?

AMD Radeon R9 M380 2GB. I’m using an iMac.

Many thanks

It’s a laptop, right?

Other things that would matter are CPU cores, RAM of course, and having an SSD.

Things that would really contribute to needing a sleeping bag while it installs are 2 cores and a normal hard drive.

My GPU is not exactly ground breaking, benchmark 31%, yours benchmarks at 17%.

If I get a new marketplace product, I can still wait between 10 mins and half an hour for the shaders.

It’s quite possible, you might have to wait several hours, depending on the exact config.

Is the shader number moving at all?

Other things that would matter are CPU cores, RAM of course, and having an SSD.

Using iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015), 24GB RAM, 1TB HD with several SSD attached using Thunderbolt 2 connections, Processor 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, AMD Radeon R9 M380 2GB Grphics card.

Things that would really contribute to needing a sleeping bag while it installs are 2 cores and a normal hard drive.

My GPU is not exactly ground breaking, benchmark 31%, yours benchmarks at 17%.

If I get a new marketplace product, I can still wait between 10 mins and half an hour for the shaders.

It’s quite possible, you might have to wait several hours, depending on the exact config.

Is the shader number moving at all?

**This is the first time I have tried to install unreal. Fails every time to install when I get to “34% - Compiling Shaders (2,558)…” the install at the time just stops, the installation process stops and closes. I have tried leaving the Mac attempting to install overnight (in case the installation is still happening even though the installation screen has closed) but installation hasn’t frustratingly continued, past the point stated above at which time the on screen installation window has closed (approx after running for one minute).
Many thanks **

Thanks for the info.

I have installed UE on a mac mini, so your system certainly sounds up to it. The only thing that’s under spec is the GPU.

You could try installing an external GPU I guess, but that’s a bit of a shot in the dark.

Installing an external GPU would cost approx £700 to £800 for the unit plus a decent graphics card to put into it, but the problem is that my iMac only has Thunderbolt 2 connections and no Thunderbolt 3 connections, limiting me to an older slower eGPU unit with no guarantee that it would work anyway if I acquired them? If anyone has any experience at doing this successfully on a late 2015 iMac please let me know? More importantly, are there any other options/alternatives to remedy this problem, please?
many thanks, Ray

Yes, that’s the thing, no guarantee.

Even with a bit of a sub-par GPU, it should just happen more slowly. Like I say, I did install the engine on a Mac book, and an Mac mini.

The mini went into orbit, and couldn’t handle even basic tasks, but it was still possible to install.

I’ve had a rummage around and see people having problems with Big Sur, but I also saw someone who managed to get it working with the GPU below yours ( M370 ).

If you take a look at the running tasks while it says 34%, you should see several tasks called something like ‘shader worker’. If you do, and they are consuming CPU, it’s working. You might have to wait a very long time, but it will get there.

If you don’t see them, it has just bombed out.