I can't get the door to open.

I’m trying to get the static mesh (door) to open when on key click. But
nothing happens when I test. I don’t know what the problem is!! I have added a collider to the mesh but still not responding. Any idea what is wrong here?

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Where are you using the ‘is finished’ bool? Because you’re setting it immediately, rather than when the timeline has ended.

Yes this is the only use of it. But I don’t think it is the issue because nothing happens at all when I test. It doesn’t open or close.

Then I’m thinking ‘is moving’ is true?

what do you mean? it is set in the blueprint. You mean the default value? if you are talking about default value then no all of the boolean values are not set to true by default.

Take all that bool stuff out for now, and just plug the event into the play and reverse pins :slight_smile:

This is what I tried and tested but still nothing happens. Do you think is something related to static mesh(door itself)?

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Can you show me inside the timeline?

And, have you enabled input on the blueprint?

Here is the screenshot.

I couldn’t find Input in either the player and the door. there is nothing called input there.

Nevermind, I was able to find Input and enable it which fixed the issue. Thank you SO much.

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