I can't find the new Argent TLC 2 type model in my devkit. Anyone know if it's in the devkit?

Hi, I can’t seem to find the new argent model anywhere in my devkit. I have v278.0 and I don’t see any updates pending. Am I missing something? I wanted to make a costume for the argent.

You’re missing this: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/modding/ark-survival-evolved/62293-6-21-ark-dev-kit-v280-0-is-now-on-google-drive

Why this hasn’t been rolled into the Epic Launcher’s distribution, no one knows.

thanks! That helps a lot. :slight_smile:

How do you get the files into the dev kit?

simple copy over your Devkit folder and override old files 0)