I cant find the equivalent of ETraceTypeQuery in c++

all i can find in the engine types is this

this is how it looks like in bp
Annotation 2021-10-12 232833

include “CollisionQueryParams.h”

If you need to pass “Collision Channel” to BP function or Detail Panel and then run LineTrace, then you must convert ETraceTypeQuery to ECollisionChannel

If you need to define in .h file then (for Details Panel) use TEnumAsByte:

 TEnumAsByte<ETraceTypeQuery> TraceChannel;

If you pass as a parameter to the function:

 void StartLineTrace(ETraceTypeQuery TraceChannel);

Inside the function, convert ETraceTypeQuery to ECollisionChannel

 ECollisionChannel TraceChanne2;
 TraceChanne2 = UEngineTypes::ConvertToCollisionChannel(TraceChannel);

Run LineTraceMultiByChannel

const bool hit = GetWorld()->LineTraceMultiByChannel(HitResult, directionRotate1, directionRotate2, TraceChanne2, TraceParams);