I cant find the compile button in Unreal Engine 5

Hey everyone, I cant find the compile button in UE5. Some people said it was in the bottom right but this is what the bottom right looks like for me

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you for your time.

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Upper left.

Thanks for answering, but my unreal 5 does not have the upper left compile button. The solution I had to use was to compile it in the IDE.

That small compile button at the bottom right only appears to me when I start a C++ project. If I start with a blueprint project and later on I create a c++ class the button is still not there.



bottom right


This problem occurs for me as well in a project I migrated from UE 4.27 to UE 5 and still present this way in UE 5.2. This started as a C++ project but must have something to do with the major version migration. I still am able to invoke the live coding using Ctrl + Alt + F11 so it’s not a blocker but still a strange issue. I even compared some config ini files to see if there was some setting difference in the projects I started from scratch in UE 5 that do have the button and could not find any differences. The DerivedDataCache, Intermediate, and Binaries folders have been cleared out many times since and the VS project files regenerated to no avail.

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What? Where? There is no this kind of menu anywhere in the upper left:

Open your .uproject file in a text editor or IDE and check that your C++ modules are listed in the modules variable. The top of the file should look something like this:
“FileVersion”: 3,
“EngineAssociation”: “5.4”,
“Category”: “”,
“Description”: “”,
“Modules”: [
** {**
** “Name”: “GameTitle”,**
** “Type”: “Runtime”,**
** “LoadingPhase”: “Default”,**
** “AdditionalDependencies”: [**
** “Niagara”,**
** “Engine”,**
** “CoreUObject”**
** ]**
** },**
** {**
** “Name”: “GameTitleEditor”,**
** “Type”: “Editor”,**
** “LoadingPhase”: “Default”,**
** “AdditionalDependencies”: [**
** “Niagara”,**
** “Engine”,**
** “CoreUObject”**
** ]**
** }**
** ],**
“Plugins”: [… etc.