I can't find my Actor class as a component in the component tab of my player blueprint

So basically I can’t find my actor component in the components tab inside of my player blueprint. What I mean by this is this:

I am trying to make a health system in my game and needed to create an actor to handle all the functions. The actor’s name that controls all this is called “Playerstats”. When I click on “add” in the components tab of my player blueprint, I can’t seem to find “Playerstats”. Please help I cant find a tutorial for this anywhere!!

When you open Playerstats, what does it say as the “Parent Class” on the top right? It should be Actor Component or Scene Component.

If it’s not, you can click Class Settings and set the Parent Class to Actor Component.

It says Actor, I will upload an image for more accuracy:

You can only add components to actors. You can’t add actors to other actors unless you use a child actor component.

But in this case I suggest creating an Actor Component for the Playerstats, instead of an actor and copying the code to it.

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