Hi, I’m Student of Korea.
I trying to make AI Behavior, following this Tutorials.
[Unreal Engine 4 AI Behavior Tree & NavMesh - Part 3/5][1]
As you can see, The 3rd part of videos.
in this 3rd Part, There is a blueprints looks like this. about 10:00.
I found Condition check nodes changes Perform condition check AI.
But I cant found 'Event Receive Execution Finish’node.
I tried uncheck the context sensitive box.
And I don’t know exactly How to do with ‘Perform Condition Check AI’
Someone Just show me Images that Blueprints looks like?
And This Images of Blueprints and something
April 28, 2015, 5:20pm
You override Perform Condition Check AI
like so:
This will generate a function stub for you. Fill the stub with whatever you need, and pass the result as Return Value
Thank you! But I Have only Condition Check and Condition Check AI. Just 2 of them. I’m using 4.7.6. What Version do you use?
April 28, 2015, 7:09pm
My apologies. The event you’re looking for is a regular blueprint event and you just put it in the even graph from the context menu, like so:
It seems having all those as override-able is a bug in 4.8. Glad we found it!
I think, I’m gonna diving from school top floor tomorrow.
I really appreciate of your kindness!
May be I can try reinstall or something.
Have a nice day!