I paid unreal engine 4. But I cannot find source code in Github with your link. So, How can I get full source code. Thank you.
Source is private, so you can only access it through GitHub after setting up a GitHub account and associating your GitHub user name with your UE account. You can find instructions for setting that up here:
Hope that helps!
Here are some additional resources that can hopefully help explain process:
A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
Let us know if you are still having trouble after running through these.
Wow PLEASE PLESE make it simpler. This is ridicolous, Epic Games, dont understand anything
They cant be simple, because its not in their nature, programmers are 2dimensional kind of people. If there is a simple and complicated, they will always choose complicated. They will do whatever is in their power to stop process of making software for people no matter fact that their only task should be to make software, because people cant make software. People can only use software, so these are two different sides of river, but they are fighting until death… I am sick of them, that is why Adobe is only and ultimate software. Codes!? Should I know anything about codes and coding!? NO!!! Ahh, but, unfortunately YES, I SHOULD! Because of them. Who are they? What are they? Robots? No, just an ordinary people who doesn’t understand that artistic software should be made for artist, and artist didn’t finished MIT or something, they doesn’t have to, to work on peace of art with their hands, but hey, what am I talking about, and to who!? Talking to my self…
You know that Game Engines commonly are used by programmers, because it is also some kind of a “library” or framework to develop games? Sure you can do some things without coding, like designing levels (I count Blueprints to coding, because it is same logic). Game Engines aren’t a simple thing, you also cannot compare them to like photoshop because this is a pure user program. And if you use Unreal Engine to edit images you are doing something wrong.
PS: There are many people who understand how engine works.
Are you applying that its not possible to make powerful game engine with Adobe/like user controls?
If its not, what do you think why is that? Are you sure that there is technical limitation in doing that? I don’t think so. I think that only limitation is way of thinking. real question could probably be “Why should you (who know how) made things working why user wants them to work, when it is hard to do that(and you know easier way)”!?
But easier for you doesn’t mean its easier for me. And how would you know that there are more “you s” than “me s” in world? So, you see, at end , its a question of priority here. Question of USERS. (which is another never ending story).
Take UE4 and Blueprints for example. I was just reading E-Book - Master Art of Blueprints in pdf , one of several so called “manuals” for helping people work with Blueprints. I don’t mind that Blueprints being like you said almost coded stuff (its ok, didn’t expect else), but what is more shocking is way it is presented, way all goes through prearranged combat game step by step tutorial!? Like there is nothing in world except shooting, exploding and counting dead enemies!? When you, who reads manual (with your own project or idea what to do with EU4 engine) stop on a first page because its going in a unwanted direction, you just close manual, because it has wrong title, should be called “Master Art of Blueprints exclusively for first person combat game” (again matter of USERS).
By way, speaking of Blueprints…I will never understand people who adore nodes. What is so appealing in these “nodes”!? connecting stickers!? Well, look at complicated charts of nodes for one nice material to make with them (C4D users would LoL)!? Why in gods name they invented something like Blueprints, when it became more complicated and time consuming than simple scripting? For guys like me? No, thank you. I dnt ask for that. Even Playmaker in Unity (although is best way of thinking so fare) is not right solution. Its a different system of approach that counts here, but that’s another story.
Well best way to learn Blueprint in my opinion is to learn programming itself, then it is only like a different language. Do you mean that book didn’t have a general approach but a very specific one?That is true, I don’t like that either, because it don’t teaches you things how they are, but how they can be sometimes, that may be easier to learn but it is not as valuable as general knowledge.
Since it is a game engine, and it is meant to be extended and programmed with, interface and everything else has to reflect data model internally, otherwise it would be nonsense to work with as developer. thing is that if you start learning programming, and get familiar with structures there, you won’t have a problem understanding Engine. It is a very huge software project which needs to be highly dynamic, you cannot implement this “simple”. I think what you consider as complex, is actually very powerful. Sure you can make it simple, but then you wouldn’t have all possibilities and dynamic. It is always more powerful to override a class and implementing custom behaviour than to configure some values.