I can't find defaults in the toolbar tab in blueprints. I'm using 4.7.1. Can someone show me where it is?

Hello YouE4,

Quite a few things have been re-arranged in to the blueprint editor in the newest release and a lot of it can be confusing. The defaults tab as it existed previously has been integrated into the details panel that you will see on the right side if you click on the “Class Defaults” button at the top of the blueprint editor. I have included a quick chart that I made to show where the info lies as opposed to which button you have to press to get to that area.

I am also including a link to our Blueprint Editor Reference page which has been updated to include all of the changes in the blueprint editor. Hopefully this information is helpful and good luck to you on creating your projects!

Thanks for your patience with all of the recent changes,

Thanks for the help I was very confused.

No problem at all YouE4. Happy to help