I can't download unreal engine error code: 1

Hi there i am trying to install unreal engine but when I try always appear the error code: 1
here is my dxdiag please help
Link a dxdiag

Hi darklord77,

Error Code: 1 is a generic Windows error that could mean many different things. Try the suggestions in this section of the Troubleshooting guide. If nothing works for you, follow the instructions towards the bottom of that link to generate your Debug Logs. Then post them here.

HI there, thanks for the answer and I try everything there. Now the error dosen’t appear but when I try to download the max speed of download is 30kbs/s and a lot of time is 0 and after hours it never download more that 1% here is the log

Any help here?

You may need to uninstall and re-install the engine. Could you please give that a try and see if it resolves the issue?

I already try that like 10 times but did’t work, it says that it’s downloading between 0 and 20 kbs but never move from 0%

help please I still have the ame problem

Hi darklord77,

Your issue looks similar to another users here: The Launcher gives Code: 1 error everytime - Getting Started & Setup - Epic Developer Community Forums

Could you also try downloading the failed chunks a few times in your browser and seeing if that works, please?. I say a few times in-case the issue is sporadic and works sometimes and others not.



Hi darklord77,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that abrown mentioned above. Then post back here with the requested info.
