I can't deploy in Ipad Mini

Hi everyone.
I’m trying to Launch an app on an Ipad Mini: Ipad mini 8th generation. Software verision 14.3

But I recive this message in the log:

LogPlayLevel: Excepcion no controlada: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No se puede establecer una conexion ya que el equipo de destino denego expresamente dicha conexion

(Unhandled exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:
A connection cannot be established as the target computer expressly denied the connection

PackagingResults: Error: Deployment failed! Unknown Error

I can’t even see my device connected in the Device Manager Window

I have any problem with the Keys and Certificates. So I really don’t know how to solve this problem, I hope someone could helpme. I really apreciate…

Alonso Ortega
PD Sorry about my English, is not my mother Language…

¡Hola Alonso!
Same problem here, did you find any solution?