I can't create C++ Game Project

I’m new to UE, less then a week using UE5.3.2, several projects with Blueprints i made, everything works fine.

But today i spent half a day in attempts to create C++ based project. After hitting create:

I totally have no idea what is it about. And i found ZERO references about that UObjectPlugin, 0 mentions.

P.S. i actually created somehow C++ project yesterday, was practicing plugin-making with tutorials. I don’t remember is there was a problem as such and i get through with clicking “Open with VS”, but it was’nt working and i could’nt use any results of my code in UE Editor because compile button was not working. “can not compile Warning: RebindPackages not possible (no packages specified)”, that’s why chose to start over…

My mistake. Reinstall of Unreal Engine fixed problem.

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