Hello, for the past few days, I’ve been trying to get help changing some settings in my dev portal. However, everyone is telling me to create a private discussion to do this, but it doesn’t work. I get a 404 error when I try to create a private discussion on Dev Community.
Hey @master_mind3,
We’re sorry you are having trouble creating a private case. We have escalated your issue internally and will update you as soon as we can. In the meantime, we do see your previous posts on deleting products from your Dev Portal. Unfortunately, the only way to assist you is with a private case. We will gladly look into your request once we have fixed this issue for you.
Thank you very much ! i planned to publish my game really soon but unfortunately 1 thing need to be edit and i accidently create another product in the hope to change that one thing by creating another product. Anyway im waiting for your help ! thanks again.