I can't connect 'hit actor' to an equal bool

If you look here https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/QuickStart/11/index.html there is a spot where hit actor is linked to a bool, I cannot make this happen no matter what I try.

Thank you very much . From your explanation I guessed to look for ‘equal’ out from hit actor and right away found ‘equal (object)’.
Problem solved, and quickly too! You’re awesome!

Hey there !

There are two actors, that are being used in a equality test between a Overlap hit result, and a Line Trace hit result, to see if they are the same Actor, then the bool is being put into the branch. You will be able to do the same thing with the equality, assuming you have to Two Actors in some fashion. But the types will generally have to be the same for the equality node to accept them. i.e. Trying to wire a Vector into a equality test with an Actor is not going to work.

Hope this helps
