I can't click on any button

I have tried everything and still does not work, the button behind the play is the exit button, I have the button enable and the event quit game but it does not work :frowning:

It would help more to see the event graph than the designer. My first instinct based on this picture was that you were trying to activate the functions from inside the editor. If thats not the case then seeing your button logic would go a long way toward getting this figured out.

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This is what i have in the level blueprint and in the widget event graph

The biggest difference i see and im not sure how much it matters as ive never used the add to player screen node but i always use add to viewport and my UI functions perfectly.

I am confuse because I add the quit game event on the button but when it does not work

I am not sure if I have something disable

I believe when I first started doing UI I tried doing it like you are and for some reason I don’t think mine worked either so I tried it a different way which is how you see mine now and it worked so I’ve been doing it like this ever since but I never bothered to figure out why honestly.

There’s a few things you could try.

First add GetOwningPlayer and connect to SpecificPlayer on the QuitGame function.

If that don’t work, put a PrintString to see if the button is firing when clicked.

If not, check to make sure the the Visibility is set to Visible.

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