My game was working quite well before I changed the name of my character blueprint. After a while I noticed that instead of having one character BP with that new name I gave, there seemed to be two characters one with the old name and another with the new name. I deleted the old one but this was propably a mistake…
Now the problem is that I can’t cast to my character blueprint, the cast will always fail. Everything seems to be in order under the BP but the game is just not working anymore. Please see the picture attaced, this casting used to work without any problems… until I changed the name of the character. Every time I try to cast it will fail.
That helped me to right direction. There is still small issue, I don’t know how to handle this. The character that is standing there on the left is used on a level blueprint as a reference. Now instead of using this character another one is spawned to the PlayerStart. How to use the original character on the left?
I did not get you. but you must delete that playerstart if want the left character or you can possess that via player controller. get player controller then possess then use your character reference to be possessed by controller
Ok, thanks guys. Now I got it, I can control the character that I want. In Autoposses “under character details” I selected Player 0 instead of Disabled. Now I am able to Remove playerStart as well.
This Autoposses used to be disabled before I renamed the character but things were working correctly anyway cause I used the sidescroller starter when I started the project. Everything was set correctly there as a default so I didn’t need to figure that out myself.
Now evertyhing is almost like it used to be, only some collisions left to set and that should do it.
I’ve run into this a couple times and I keep forgetting the issue, so this is like my second or third time on this thread and I still can’t get over the fact that no one mentioned a single word about OP’s hysterically creepy character. Autopossess player set to zero helped me when I copy-pasted a character from another project into my new one. So thanks again BabyRunner!!! xox