I cannot use stairs, i pass through it. How can i solve this?
Greetings @danikcara
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forums! With the stairs, I’d start by going in and making sure the object has collision set. Usually just setting simple collision will fix that. I hope that helps!
How can i set it? I am newbie sorry. Also my character pass trough all objects.
No worries. We’ve all been new at this at one point or another. I still run into things regularly that I have to search for. Here’s an article on collision and how to add it. This should help! Setting Up Collisions With Static Meshes in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
Im trying to post a forum but some bot re-routed me here after it got confused during a tutorial of some sort some assistance would be much appreciated.
regards: Bon3z
Were you experiencing the same issue we were discussing above? If so, did you check out the link?
no sorry about that, as stated only trying to post a forum an a bot of some sort rerouted me here
all has been sorted tho thank you
You’re welcome. I’m glad you got it sorted out!