I cannot make a CPP class in my Blueprints project.

I’ve deleted class that I’ve made, turned off Live Coding.
Tried to add it again, and it says:
Successfully added class ‘MyBlueprintFunctionLibrary’, however you must recompile the ‘gamename’ module before it will appear in the Content Browser. Failed to automatically compile the ‘gamename’ module.
In output log there is still the same error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘gamename.h’: No such file or directory

I think i need to find somewhere file ‘gamename.h’, or create it, or something… I don’t know exactly.

Note: I prefer to write “gamename” instead of actual name of my project
in this thread. So “gamename” is basically how my project called.

Note 2: ‘gamename.h’ actually exists in Source folder, it seems like compiler doesn’t see it or smth.

Note 3: When im trying to build solution in VS 2022, ‘gamename.h’ responds with error ‘cannot open source file “CoreMinimal.h”’, error code E1696

Note 3.1: I fixed issue with CoreMinimal.h thing, i guess. Found solution here