Hi, the images on line look amazing, but seem to be 90% outside. All of my stuff is indoors and I just cannot get a reasonable result.
All my images the difference between light and dark is just to stark. I might have a light source from the ceiling and the floor will be overblown from it but the ceiling itself nearly pitch black. This general theme runs across every setting I have fiddled with.
Putting sun to max, or min, same effect
Putting ambient to max or min, same effect
Moving the exposure only serves to flatten out the image until it looks like I wasn't using path tracer
The Skydome seems to make matters worse, although you get more texture the difference between light and dark is all wrong.
In short without path tracer the image looks good but not as nice obviously
With path tracer it looks like a photo taken in the night with a couple of lights on even though:
Day its set to around 2pm
Sky dome is a sunny one
Lots of windows!
Sun up high, Ambient up high
Exposure on auto
Another issue is as soon as that path tracer is hit windows and the outside are thrown into darkness. I have to have light sources waayyyyyy down like 3nits, anything higher and its like being in the centre of the sun, this is in stark contracts to twinmotion 2019 when you had to push the nits to a million to get any light at all.
I am happy to say this is me being dim, but I am not finding any tutorials that sort this issue out for me, any hints?
Hello Irwin ,
Thank you for posting your question in the community and providing your findings with Path Tracer. At this time we tutorial showing how to get started with the Path Tracer and what settings affect what. I also recommend you take a look at the Demo scene found in Twinmotion and see how those are set up. I will mention to our team the need to have more documentation and tutorials for indoor scenes.
Path Tracer Tutorial:
Keep in mind if you have a Skydome the lighting will be different and there are more settings to consider for your scene to look correct.
Try looking at increasing the Skydome and Sun Intensity, the Ambient Lighting setting for Skydome and Path Tracer, Max bounces for Path Tracer. Indoor scenes will look much darker if the space does not have many windows and adding light sources will be important.
If you have suggestions for improvements on Path Tracer/Skydomes you can make them on our official road-map:
Hope this helps and if you need further help, you can ask from some advice from the Facebook group as users are often posting examples of their renderings and are happy to provide input. https://www.facebook.com/groups/twinmotion.community/
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Hi Vincent.
Shame its facebook, I try and avoid that as far as possible get a discord going :)
I have made a bit of progress. I think the issue is the spaces indoors I am working with a very large, typically 20m x 20m rooms, and the path tracer just does not have the same effect in these spaces with the outcome usually being a very flat image.
The example looks great on the app, (I would expect it too) but its not really rea life is it? I mean super huge windows and all that, great if you are Jeff Bazos I suppose :)
Also there is an annoying bug in the latest release. You save a project then close the window and it asks if you want to save again. Also when moving around a scene, the path tracer will randomly turn on.
Hello Irwin ,
Thank you for the follow-up and added information, I have notified our marketing team about the need to have additional interior rendering tips and tricks to help with this topic.
The save window always shows up when closing Twinmotion is a known issue and we have this documented already. If you find any other issues you can submit a bug report by using this link: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page
Kind regards,
Vincent B.