When I try to directlink from archicad27 to twinmotion2024, archicad crashes. It crashes even with a new file. Maybe it’s because of the version upgrade. I also tried with twinmotion2023 but it is the same as 2024. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know. archicad27からtwinmotion2024にdirectlinkしようとすると、archicadがクラッシュします。新規のファイルでも同様で、archicadから一切のファイルがdirectlinkできなくなりました。もしかしたらバージョンアップが原因かもしれません。 twinmotion2023でも試しましたが、2024と同じようになりました。 解決方法がわかる人がいらっしゃいましたら教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いします。
I’m not encoutering this issue, but I see that there is a new Archicad update: hotfix 27.2.1. Is this the version you’re using? I’m using 27.2.0 myself, perhaps you can roll back to the older update.
Problem solved! There was a problem with datasmith and after downgrading it became usable. The respective versions are as follows;. archicad 27.2.0 twinmotion 2024.1 DATASMITH EXPORTER FOR ARCHICAD [Compatible with Archicad 23 - 27 and Twinmotion 2023.2.4 Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your reply. I said it was the latest, but I actually checked and the version I am using is also 27.2.0. Sorry for the misinformation. The versions are as follows archicad 27.2.0 twinmotion 2024.1 DATASMITH EXPORTER FOR ARCHICAD Compatible with Archicad 23 - 27 and Twinmotion 2023.1, 2023.2 and 2024.1 Repair and reinstallation did not help. Could this be related to the fact that twinmotion2024.1 in the library has a playtime of 0s?