I cannot ask questions


I cannot ask questions because I can’t set a tag with the Unreal version:

I don’t know where to select the tag for my Unreal version.

I have tried with the latest version of Firefox, Chrome and Edge with the same result.

What do I have to do to ask a question?


The tagging situation is somewhat messy.

It’s about formatting. When you say UE4-20, the tagging reads it as UE4 v20 while you really meant UE4 v4.20. We’re on v4.27 not on v27. Wish the system was clever enough to know that.

  • this should work:


Here are the current Engine version tags:

The tagging system doesn’t allow for special characters due to the use of tags within URLs. Spaces get replaced with hyphens, periods get replaced removed, and the previous Engine version tags that moved across to the forums from AnswerHub were often just a series of numbers, i.e., 4262 for UE4 26.2 or 43 for UE4 3.0. The best solution was to format Engine version tags as UE4-VERSION to improve this.
The caveat is that expanding this to include hotfixes and updates to that version (4.27.2 as an example) would result in a tag that was UE4-27-2. While this may be preferable to some, the tag list would get bloated and result in less intuitive tagging for many.

As for the issue you are directly facing in tagging, we haven’t been able to reproduce this. Upon attempting to create a Question in that category, UE4-20 appears in the search and is taggable.

Sorry, but it doesn’t work:

Sorry, but I can’t:

It seems that the requirements are clashing with each other. In categories relevant to a topic/feature/skillset of the Engine, they require a tag relating to the topic first; once this has been added, you can include the Engine version.

We’re looking into resolving the clash :slight_smile:

OK. Thank you.


I still can not ask questions here because I can not select the UE4 version tag because it doesn’t appear.


Greetings @ViaCognita; I hope you’re doing well! The issue is still under investigation, and we thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:

Well, it’s been WEEKS since this issue appeared. I can’t post anything because the tag is required, but there are no version tags anymore (there used to be a lot). Any temporary solution to that? Maybe just remove the requirement?

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When posting a Question in a category, you need to select a tag relating to your topic and the category first; once you have chosen at least one tag, you will be able to choose an Engine version.

@SkyeEden If that is a requirement, you must add some help explain it because we only see a message asking for the version, without any other explanation, and we getting crazy trying to select a version tag that doesn’t appear anywhere.

Oh, but I did add tags to my questions, it doesn’t help!

Which category are you attempting to post your Question in, and which tags are you trying to use?

As for the requirements, we are looking at adjusting the prompts to be more straightforward for users and better the overall user experience.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey folks! The tag prompt for Questions has been updated.

OK, so now it magically works!

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The Question bug still occurs. The only way to post a question currently is to remove the Question tag…

This has got to be the most complex and hard to use forum UI I’ve seen in recent years! Can you guys just license Stackoverflow for Enterprise?

Where are you trying to post the Question?

I have the same problem,


I was able to get the UE5-0 tag, by selection an other category frist, then select the tag and then switch back to the category

It’s time for you to out-source because this is really embarrassing

I swear to god, not a single one of the listed tags are available when I search for them.

this is the category:


the sub-categories do not show up unless you already know what they are called so you can search for them.

nothing shows up when I search for “ue5” in tags.
selecting something else like “ue4” gives options like “ue4-editor” which is apparently not enough because it gives this error instead: