I wanted to use event overlap on widget But Is Not Working Please Guys Any Solutions
Hi there.
What exactly are you trying to create? Is that what you need?
Press E To Interact | On Screen Prompt - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - YouTube
If I click F nothing happens . Why ? Please Help
The OverLap Is Working But After The Gate Nothing Work.
" This Is Widget BluePrint "
Not sure if I understood correctly, but we typically add input commands like this inside an actor blueprint (can be either actor, pawn or character classes), a player controller BP or a level BP. Widgets are used to display information on screen. To open the gate, the overlap event needs to be confirmed between actors. If so, pressing F from the controlled character will trigger the print screen node. Then, you can send the information to the widget to update the status of the overlap event (for instance, OPEN/CLOSE).
is best you call a custom event to the gate with your character. or you need to enable widget input.
Thanks !!!