I can.t launch and get "Can't find Xcode installer formetal compiler...."

I am running on MAC with 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 with 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 and MacOS 12.6 Monterey.

Downloaded the EpicInstaller-14.2.1-unrealEngine.dmg and have obtained the Epic Games Launcher

When I double click the Launcher, I get an Epic Game splash screen and select Unreal Engine from left sidebar. I then click on Launch 5.1.0 button in upper right of screen.

I then get a pop up message, " Can’t find Xcode installer for Metal compiler. Please install Xcode and run Xcode.app to accept license or ensure…"

If I click OK, the message disappears along with the window.

I am stuck and need advise on how to proceed.