I can only select a single Actor at a time in The World Outliner

Sometimes my Unreal Editor only allows me to select a single Actor at a time in my World Outliner despite holding down the control key as I select. Is this a bug?

There was a similar report from a few years ago but it was “resolved” so I decided to open a new comment.

Hi majieric,

I was not able to reproduce this issue in UE4.11.2. The following steps used to test were:

  1. Open a blank Third Person Project
  2. In the World Outliner Select any asset
  3. Hold down the Ctrl key and select any other asset
    RESULT: Assets added to the selection while holding Ctrl key down

Continuing to hold the Ctrl key down, select already selected assets results in assets being removed from selection as expected.

Please try to reproduce the issue following the steps above. If you are still experiencing the issue, please post your a copy of your dxdiag here.



The above instructions probably won’t reproduce the problem.

The problem is intermittent and only occurs like may be 1 a week on a project that I’m working on regularly. However, when it does, Restarting the editor doesn’t solve the problem.

I’ve noticed that this was an issue in a past build that was supposedly fixed. Perhaps it was only a partial fix?

I could not find this issue previously reported on the AnswerHub or in our bug reports. Can you provide a link to the AnswerHub post where this was initially reported? Also, please post a copy of your DX diag -thanks!

Hi majieric,

Since we have not heard back from you in a few days, we are marking this post “resolved” for tracking purposes. However, if you are still having a problem only being able to select a single Actor at a time in the World Outliner while holding down the control key, please respond with the requested information above and we will continue to investigate.

