After following a Paper2D tutorial and making a really basic character and platform i noticed this problem.
I can sucessfully lock the platform and the background but not the player start, when i test it the player can move normally but when i collide with another paper element it just clip through it.
For diagnosis i created 3D blocks, scaled them and applied the prototyping material.
After that i found the problem, the character spawned by the “player start” does not lock the character in the Y axis, and touching anything 2D causes the player to move on the Y axis.
So, the question is how to solve this problem since the “player start” does not have a lock axis option or a physics tab.
The player start only indicates the spawn point of your character. What you want to do I think is lock the character axis (Under Physics > capsule > constraints > Lock Position).
Or maybe this is your solution using physics constraints:
There is a thing called Planar Movement in the CharacterMovement (Inherited). When i turn this one ON the character is not even able to walk, note that the block that fall on the character when i start a test can push him a little bit.
The problem just fixed itself. I am now trying to figure out why, because all i did was remove the player spawn and put another in its place and uncheck all the boxes that lock axis . Why it is working when it shouldn’t? it works when i disable but stops working when i enable, is it opposite day today?