I become frustrated with iOS

I read and try 2 days, create and generate provisions , delete from pc, added again and nothing!

here is my OutLog : Running AutomationTool...C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Com - Pastebin.com

It say

UnrealBuildTool: IPP ERROR: RPCCommand MakeApp failed with return code Error_RemoteCertificatesNotFound

With my Developer Certificate i publish few apps in Store.
I work on Windows and i try with ssh!

  1. So … I create a new App Id, then a
    new mobile provision .
  2. In my Xcode i download the new
    mobile provision what i create and
    my Developer Certificate.
  3. In Keychain i have same certificates
    in Login and in System added.
  4. I open IPP.exe , i add mobile
    provision then certificate (all
  5. I open my project,then if a go to
    iOS, i cant see my provision and
    certificate Green.

I have to mention :
Because when i try to upload provision first time with IPP , i’ve got some plist missing error, i modify :

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Build\IOS\UE4Game-Info.plist
    to this :


I also try to install Unreal Directly to MAC, my Os is Yosemite 10.10 , and can’t open Epic Launcher :frowning:
what i should try ? now ?

Now if i try to Package it->iOS i get this : http://pastebin.com/ZCurWSiv

Solution was to give full acces to “Private Key” from “System” in “Keychain”