I already have a blueprint set up that allows for videos to be played but I want a second video to start playing after the first is done. I have the blueprints to play multiple videos by pressing a key on the keyboard to play each one but I can’t figure out to start the second after the first video completes at the start of the game. Any help?
(Btw I followed the tutorial on YouTube on how to play videos in ue4 and I already can play each one with a keyboard key but not consecutively.)
Thank you very much for responding. I am currently using a media playlist with both videos already in the playlist, but here is my blueprint so far. I was wondering if there was anything I needed to fix on the blueprint instead of just changing the Media Player’s reference. Also I have 1 playlist with both videos in it. Do I need 2? (BTW where is that located? If you could send me a pic that would be awesome!) I also changed the blueprint on the image a little from what I followed on the YouTube tutorial to play the first video when the level starts, but I cannot fix the second to play right after the first
Well, it does not work for me.