I am unable to launch unreal tournament

My unreal tournament crashed while I was trying to open. The crash report is not letting me send any bug reports. The buttons to send report / restart / close unreal tournament is disabled. I have tried reinstalling quite a number of times. its still not letting me do anything whenever I try to open unreal tournament

Hi Prassy,

  • Were you previously able to open Unreal Tournament?
  • Have you tried verifying your build? You can do this by going to the launcher>Unreal Tournament>Play>Launch dropdown menu>Verify.
  • Can you navigate to the logs folder and post your crash logs here? They can be found at \Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Logs.

Hi Prassy,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are stll experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.